- Apr 25, 2015
- 1,845
- 2
- 2,199
- 327
require 'pstools.inc.php';
$remoteH = $_POST['remoteH'];
$remoteP = intval($_POST['remoteP']);
if(filter_var($remoteH, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) && $remoteP>0 && $remoteP<65536)
$email = $_SESSION['passr'];
$myFile = "logs/checks.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = date("F j, Y, g:i a")." | CHECKER:".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]. " & ".$email." | TARGET:".$remoteH.":".$remoteP."\r\n";
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
//exec("psexec.exe rekt.exe 9987");
//echo "<script>alert('Security check launched, standby.');</script>";
//exec("psexec.exe -d -accepteula rekt.exe $remoteH $remoteP 2>&1", $output);
//$pieces = explode("s ID ", $output[5]);
//$slayer = rtrim($pieces[1], ".");
//echo $slayer;
//shell_exec("taskkill /PID ".$slayer." /F /T");
exec("psexec.exe -d -accepteula C:/xampp/htdocs/rekt.exe $remoteH $remoteP 2>&1", $output);
echo $output[4];
$pieces = explode("s ID ", $output[5]);
$slayer = rtrim($pieces[1], ".");
echo $slayer;
shell_exec("taskkill /PID ".$slayer." /F /T");
$finished = 1;
echo "<script>alert('Invalid IP address or port number.');</script>";
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Created: 23 January 2014
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<li><a title="rm -rf /*" href="#">ehthe</a></li>
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function iAgree() {
document.getElementById('rocket').disabled = false;
function plsWait() {
document.getElementById('rocket').value = "Please wait, beginning check.";
<!-- Content -->
<div class="container">
<div class="">
<h3 class="">Do you like security?
<?php if(isset($_POST['agree'])){
echo "<font color='red'>Security check attempted.</font>";
<p>Great, we do too! That is why we are going to let you check your TeamSpeak 3 server security from this website.</p>
<p>Because this tool could be harmful, you will have to agree that you will only be checking your own TeamSpeak 3 server on the Internet.</p>
<p><b><u>You</u>, the website visitor accept any and all responsibility for misusing this tool.</b></p>
<form method="post" action="/">
<p>TeamSpeak 3 Server: <input size="15" type="text" name="remoteH"> : <input size="4" type="text" value="9987" name="remoteP"></p>
<p><label><input onclick="iAgree()" type="checkbox" name="liable" value="value"> I certify that I own the server listed above and understand that by clicking "submit", the server will be checked for security and may crash.</label>
<p><input type="submit" onclick="plsWait()" id="rocket" name="go" disabled="true" value="Let's go!"></p>
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<p>Security is like a kite, fly it high or crash low.</p>
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// pstools.inc.php
function PsExecute($command, $timeout = 60, $sleep = 2) {
// First, execute the process, get the process ID
$pid = PsExec($command);
if( $pid === false )
return false;
$cur = 0;
// Second, loop for $timeout seconds checking if process is running
while( $cur < $timeout ) {
$cur += $sleep;
// If process is no longer running, return true;
if( !PsExists($pid) )
return true; // Process must have exited, success!
// If process is still running after timeout, kill the process and return false
return false;
function PsExec($command) {
exec("psexec.exe -s -d $command 2>&1", $output);
while( list(,$row) = each($output) ) {
$found = stripos($row, 'with process ID ');
if( $found )
return substr($row, $found, strlen($row)-$found-strlen('with process ID ')-1); // chop off last character '.' from line
return false;
function PsExists($pid) {
exec("pslist.exe $pid 2>&1", $output);
while( list(,$row) = each($output) ) {
$found = stristr($row, "process $pid was not found");
if( $found !== false )
return false;
return true;
function PsKill($pid) {
exec("pskill.exe $pid", $output);
This is the source you need right here. Additionally there is a compiled C# utility you will need and the theme (CSS) files. No, this is probably not the neatest/pretties source although I did make it at like 4 AM without sleeping.
This is for Windows-based servers only. The C# executable kept hanging, so I had to terminate it after X seconds. *shrugs*