- Jan 23, 2016
- 32
- 15
- 58
=== Server Release 3.1.0 12 february 2018
! Before you run the teamspeak 3 server it is required that you agree to our license. This license
can be found in the file "license.txt" or "LICENSE" (depending on your platform), which is
located in the same location as the ts3server binary (the main folder). If, after reading it,
you agree to the license, this can be indicated in one of three ways:
1: Create a file called ".ts3server_license_accepted" in the current working directory. The
contents of this file are irrelevant and can be empty. For example on linux do:
touch .ts3server_license_accepted
2: Start the ts3server with the commandline parameter "license_accepted" set to 1. For example:
ts3server license_accepted=1
3: Set the OS environment variable TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "accept". For example on Windows:
! New accounting subsystem. Please read accounting.txt in the docs folder.
! Windows xp and vista support has been dropped.
- Fixed a bug where a channel could be created with a password without the needed permission.
- fixed some performance issues when copying a server group
* Accounting server Documentation updated
+ New property 'virtualserver_nickname' allowing to add the server nickname
into the server settings. Changes to the new property are only possible by
users with the new 'virtualserver_nickname' permission.
+ New parameter 'wait_until_ready' in ts3db_mariadb.ini that specifies in
seconds how long the ts3server should wait for the database to become
* Released under new license. See accompanying license file.
2.5 Contacting the accounting server
Starting TS3 server version 3.1, the TS3 server will try to contact the accounting server on address accounting
on port 443 (https). It is important that the server can contact this address. If it is blocked, the TS3 server may not start, or at
some point users will not be allowed to join this server any more.
The important question this license can be cracked ?![]()
I hope not!
it may not be useless until its gonenow crack is useless, if someone want more slot can Apply for a NPL, now teamspeak is more flexible on NPL Applications
With new license system you would need together a special client and a special server.
So I really hope, it is useless. Before you crack that shit you should write your own software ;-)
More flexible? Where did you get that? As far as I can see nothing changed. Still the same bullshit that caused us to make cracks to circumvent crack is useless, if someone want more slot can Apply for a NPL, now teamspeak is more flexible on NPL Applications
We have several crack concepts in our portfolio. Only 2 have been made into actual cracks so far. We have undetectable solutions that should circumvent the clientside verification just fine.i thinks the new protection for cracking is in server AND CLIENT, for me the server send data to (ID, ADDR and more info) and the client on connection if data are not found on it will not work (bad english sorry)
when the new crack will be expected?More flexible? Where did you get that? As far as I can see nothing changed. Still the same bullshit that caused us to make cracks to circumvent it.
We have several crack concepts in our portfolio. Only 2 have been made into actual cracks so far. We have undetectable solutions that should circumvent the clientside verification just fine.
With new license system you would need together a special client and a special server.
So I really hope, it is useless. Before you crack that shit you should write your own software ;-)
I disagree with you, teamspeak has released an update without any news or major update, no longer applies any relevant update for years.
This update was only to change the licensee's system in order to profit more, teamspeak is not a company that cares about its users / customers, everyone knows this.
I have an official ATHP license, but I hope the new crack comes soon.
a great .bat for the hosts file
And then you really think it is a good thing for the community (users) to pay for cracked TS3 servers? There are enough hostings, which offer server with a cracked license. And they are such as professional, that they close their hosting from one to another day, crap the money and they are away.
I think, no, that is not good for the users!
I have a sponsoring for TeamSpeak and have experience for more then ten years. I know the stories, I know how frustrated the users are, which wasted their money on that shitty hostings.
I hope, that with this update the TeamSpeak community will get much more professional in future. If there are not any more kiddies which are 12 in their mind and are able to host a TS3 server and sell it. The last years it goes only downfalls with the community.
And one more thing.. I know TeamSpeak from nearly beginning on. TeamSpeak was not a company which only want to make money. The founders of TeamSpeak were been the community. They were one of us.. They were gamer and had an idea and made a great software.
And yes, the last years it changed. But why? Cause people cracked that software and do one to another day any other shit with it. And now they need more manpower to solve the license issues instead of correct bugs and code new features.
I really hope the next update will solve that license problems and they will have the time and invest the time in new things.. perhaps a webclient or a secure query connection.
If that will still work with the new client.. And then the most user will not have it. Some will never install something like a crack. So what user you will reach with it?
The actual crack is only working, cause there is only server side something needed. If every use needs to do something to be able to connect to your cracked server, there will remain less then 10% of the user.. Much fun with it ;-)