That is nice although you still have to pay for a server after you purchase licensing! You do not just get server hosting with the license. You pay for the license, then go host your own server!Today is 50% off! Its until monday.
Im owning multiple servers with enough free ressources, its nothing to create a new container for a TS3That is nice although you still have to pay for a server after you purchase licensing! You do not just get server hosting with the license. You pay for the license, then go host your own server!
It clearly indicates "requires own server hardware"
This works for maybe 5% or less of current TeamSpeak server owners - you realize this?So my servers are financing itself ^^
Yea thats correct...This works for maybe 5% or less of current TeamSpeak server owners - you realize this?
Your servers will be worthless in ~6 months. We will wait and see!
TeamSpeak is just trying to revive itself and unfortunately, their heart's rhythm is not shockable and there is no epinephrine nearby.
Thanks for posting this - I already had the feeling teamspeak is not going to kick out all NPL's as that would basically be suicide.Hmm wow my npl licence has been updated to Jun 2019 ...
is better that way for you(Client,Buyer) and TeamSpeak(Company)R.I.P NPL
from 10 virtual servers passing from 2 to only 1 virtual server
they can increase count of virtual serversWhat are the limitations of GAMER LICENSE? I mean, after the purchase, I can do whatever I want with these slots and 2 virtual servers? When will there be more discounts?
And why does this license give you only 2 virtual servers?
Yeah its almost same as NPL, only diffrence is that you need to pay gamer's license.Hi I would like to know how the licenses Gamer works with 256 slots 2 virtual servers and similar to the NPL?
But after all, the owner of this license can do whatever he wants with these slots?Yeah its almost same as NPL, only diffrence is that you need to pay gamer's license.
In simple words, YesBut after all, the owner of this license can do whatever he wants with these slots?
You should still running the website, they can check someday and cancel your license.Hi, I have npl but i wonder if i should keep my site while npl is updated knowing that teamspeak works for me and the site but i'm thinking about closing the site
Or report from any haterYou should still running the website, they can check someday and cancel your license.