When a Teamspeak client connects to a server, and it has more than 1000? slots, it will automatically reports the servers IP to TeamSpeak.How long a cracked server used to be online until ban? Is the number of servers, slot per server or something who can make TeamSpeak automatically ban it?
I don't use that much slots, and my 2008 TCP port is blocked from the outsideWhen a Teamspeak client connects to a server, and it has more than 1000? slots, it will automatically reports the servers IP to TeamSpeak.
So the best way to only use the slots you need.
There is no average time until teamspeak blacklists your server. It all depends on you. Are you telling anyone you cracked that server? There are a lot of different obvious and not so obvious hints to know if someone cracked this teamspeak server.
When I connect to a TeamSpeak server, usually I'm pretty sure whether this server is cracked or not in like ~1min.
Also there are those Crack checker websites. Those will check if the AccountingServer, wich you will need to run the cracked TeamSpeak, is responding to any requests.
Ok, download script version 0.5.14 and install anticrash again.
I tested it. You may delete the server :9993I mean that the users who have a Ts , can make non- cross many slots . You can even try it once on my website http://www.freets.ga/
If you have questions on how to do it, connect to our TeamSpeak at r4p3.net and I'll tell you.
Yeah, seems like I forgot to "iptables-save". This command will be included in v0.5.15Is it just me or every time I reboot my box, the Anticrack is deactivated? I have to manually activate it through the script everytime my box reboots if there's a maintenance.
Thanks buddy!Yeah, seems like I forgot to "iptables-save". This command will be included in v0.5.15
For now, just manually type iptables-save
Thats why I need your feedback, guysI cannot see everything. Thanks for your support.