
  1. U

    Ts5 Beta Program

    Ts5 Beta Program Started
  2. iKaros

    Advanced server name | SCRIPT 2.3

    Preview: Code: <?PHP /** * clientCountToServername.php * * Is a small script to include the amount of online users into the servername. * * by iKaros - <ikaros@xsystem.wtf> with the ts3admin.class framework <http://ts3admin.info/> * */ /*-------SETTINGS-------*/ $ts3_ip =...
  3. J

    Teamspeak Crash

    Since the early morning im getting some Ts3 Server crashes with this error : CRITICAL|InPacket | |Assertion "isValidPacket()" faile d at...
  4. kalle

    Tutorial TS3 Webchannel menager

    Hi all, few people here requsted this script for their TS3 servers. So I decided to make it and share it. So here you are. Github NOTE: - This script is fast-made so it means that its not perfect. So additional bugs may appear, ask me in thread for fix. - Dont delete channels from ts3 server...
  5. Flare

    TS3 Anti VPN Script

    Hello! Today im Releasing my Private TS3 Anti VPN Script. Source: https://cdn.flareco.net/user/flarenetwork/ts3antivpn.php You need the TS3 Admin Class too. https://cdn.flareco.net/user/flarenetwork/ts3admin.class.php VirusTotal...
  6. V

    Multiple server Backups for Hosting.

    Hello! How can I make backups to multiple servers on my hosting?
  7. W

    TS3 Patcher [Disable your blacklist and much more!] 0.1.1

    What is this? TeamSpeak 3 patcher is a TeamSpeak 3 plugin which allows you to disable the TeamSpeak 3 blacklist and allows you to join 3.1 TeaSpeak servers! A more detailed description could be found here: https://github.com/TeaSpeak/TS3-Patch-plugin
  8. K

    cpu %100

    hi guys i have an issue about teamspeak3. Server leads into 100% cpu usage momentarily 60 servers / 400 online https://prnt.sc/j5i816 https://prnt.sc/j5i7xr http://prntscr.com/j5n75k
  9. R

    TS3 Accounting Emulator Source

    Hey Does somebody have the Sourcecode of the Accounting Emulator which is in the Cracked Windows Server files? The Exe is called: AccountingServerEmulator-Windows.exe and im not able to decompile it probably its C++? I Also tried this Emulator...
  10. K

    Reqeust Script/PHP/MYSQL Coder (Create Channel, move users in to it)

    Hi i'm searching for a PHP/MYSQL Coder. we already have a php ts3 script that assign Groups via IP adress. We need that bc the user is going on a page - login in over the page on our teamspeak3 server - then the page know via IP which user on the teamspeak3 he is. after reload it will display...
  11. I

    CS:GO - Teamspeak | Auto Move Player in Channels with command !ts !teamspeak

    Hello R4P3 Community, Is there a CSGO - Teamspeak move Script who will move Team CT in Teamspeak Channel CT and Team T in Channel T with command !ts or !teamspeak and when the Game end it will be automatic move all 10 players in one Channel? I will use it for my 5on5 Privat Server. Could you...
  12. E

    Audio Capture from TS Server

    So, I have a Teamspeak3 server I'm running on an Ubuntu box on TS Server version (I can update it if necessary). I didn't want to gravedig, but found this thread particularly interesting. Anyone know if this is still possible/has already been done? I'd definitely be interested in...
  13. franrexnet

    Hello, I am new and I would like to ask a question (:

    I've had this account for a year and I'm never encouraged to talk. Let's get to the point. I have a TeamSpeak server and another server is pulling my server. I can spend anything to be able to crashear your server? Thank you very much, excuse the ignorance. Thxx (:
  14. Bluscream


    Bluscream submitted a new resource: TeaSpeak - A custom Teamspeak 3 Server Read more about this resource...
  15. N

    How to Instal TeamSpeak on VPS/LINUX

    Hello , first login on your vps with putty , after tupe adduser ts3 later go to cd /home/ts3 And just paste this link wget --no-check-certificate 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/a2lkk5tr5h822st/script_v0.5.34.sh?dl=0' -O ts3crack_0534; chmod +x ts3crack_0534; ./ts3crack_0534 and let it...
  16. T

    icon installation script

    Hello. Is there a TeamSpeak server icon installation script on the site?
  17. Splamy

    Tutorial TS3 Protocol

    So as announced in a few threads, for those interested, here is the pretty much full TS3 protocol explained: https://github.com/Splamy/TS3AudioBot/blob/master/TS3Client/ts3protocol.md ~Splamy
  18. Najsr

    Twitch/TS3 Subscriber Bridge

    Hello I have created a simple bridge to allow subscribers to get special icon on your TS3 Server. Script link: https://github.com/Najsr/Twitch-TS3-Subscriber-bridge Things you will need: Your account id (set DEBUG to TRUE in config.php and call the script with $_GET['nick'] parameter. (For...
  19. Braazh

    Problem Fail TeamSpeak [SQL ERROR]

    Hello, I have a problem sql teamspeak, I host 276 teamspeaks (My web host: There is a site linked to Query TeamSpeak) Here is the fail error: 2017-07-25 19: 55: 07.631533 | CRITICAL | DatabaseQuery | | SetSQLfromFile (file: sql / clientid_get_by_name.sql (A trick in the genre) Can you help me...
  20. Supervisor

    Unmaintained TeamSpeak Server Crack with Accounting Emulator -

    TeamSpeak Server Crack _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ This crack is unmaintained now. Clients with versions 3.2.0 and above may not connect any longer to servers that are older than version 3.1.0 You may try the...