Permission ID Permission Name Permission Description
4353 b_serverinstance_help_view Retrieve information about ServerQuery commands
4354 b_serverinstance_version_view Retrieve global server version (including platform and build number)
4355 b_serverinstance_info_view Retrieve global server information
4356 b_serverinstance_virtualserver_list List virtual servers stored in the database
4357 b_serverinstance_binding_list List active IP bindings on multi-homed machines
4358 b_serverinstance_permission_list List permissions available available on the server instance
4359 b_serverinstance_permission_find Search permission assignments by name or ID
4616 b_virtualserver_create Create virtual servers
4617 b_virtualserver_delete Delete virtual servers
4618 b_virtualserver_start_any Start any virtual server in the server instance
4619 b_virtualserver_stop_any Stop any virtual server in the server instance
4620 b_virtualserver_change_machine_id Change a virtual servers machine ID
4621 b_virtualserver_change_template Edit virtual server default template values
4878 b_serverquery_login Login to ServerQuery
4879 b_serverinstance_textmessage_send Send text messages to all virtual servers at once
4880 b_serverinstance_log_view Retrieve global server log
4881 b_serverinstance_log_add Write to global server log
4882 b_serverinstance_stop Shutdown the server process
5139 b_serverinstance_modify_settings Edit global settings
5140 b_serverinstance_modify_querygroup Edit global ServerQuery groups
5141 b_serverinstance_modify_templates Edit global template groups
8470 b_virtualserver_select Select a virtual server
8471 b_virtualserver_info_view Retrieve virtual server information
8472 b_virtualserver_connectioninfo_view Retrieve virtual server connection information
8473 b_virtualserver_channel_list List channels on a virtual server
8474 b_virtualserver_channel_search Search for channels on a virtual server
8475 b_virtualserver_client_list List clients online on a virtual server
8476 b_virtualserver_client_search Search for clients online on a virtual server
8477 b_virtualserver_client_dblist List client identities known by the virtual server
8478 b_virtualserver_client_dbsearch Search for client identities known by the virtual server
8479 b_virtualserver_client_dbinfo Retrieve client information
8480 b_virtualserver_permission_find Find permissions
8481 b_virtualserver_custom_search Find custom fields
8738 b_virtualserver_start Start own virtual server
8739 b_virtualserver_stop Stop own virtual server
8740 b_virtualserver_token_list List privilege keys available
8741 b_virtualserver_token_add Create new privilege keys
8742 b_virtualserver_token_use Use a privilege keys to gain access to groups
8743 b_virtualserver_token_delete Delete a privilege key
8744 b_virtualserver_log_view Retrieve virtual server log
8745 b_virtualserver_log_add Write to virtual server log
8746 b_virtualserver_join_ignore_password Join virtual server ignoring its password
8747 b_virtualserver_notify_register Register for server notifications
8748 b_virtualserver_notify_unregister Unregister from server notifications
8749 b_virtualserver_snapshot_create Create server snapshots
8750 b_virtualserver_snapshot_deploy Deploy server snapshots
8751 b_virtualserver_permission_reset Reset the server permission settings to default values
9008 b_virtualserver_modify_name Modify server name
9009 b_virtualserver_modify_welcomemessage Modify welcome message
9010 b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients Modify servers max clients
9011 b_virtualserver_modify_reserved_slots Modify reserved slots
9012 b_virtualserver_modify_password Modify server password
9013 b_virtualserver_modify_default_servergroup Modify default Server Group
9014 b_virtualserver_modify_default_channelgroup Modify default Channel Group
9015 b_virtualserver_modify_default_channeladmingroup Modify default Channel Admin Group
9016 b_virtualserver_modify_channel_forced_silence Modify channel force silence value
9017 b_virtualserver_modify_complain Modify individual complain settings
9018 b_virtualserver_modify_antiflood Modify individual antiflood settings
9019 b_virtualserver_modify_ft_settings Modify file transfer settings
9020 b_virtualserver_modify_ft_quotas Modify file transfer quotas
9021 b_virtualserver_modify_hostmessage Modify individual hostmessage settings
9022 b_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner Modify individual hostbanner settings
9023 b_virtualserver_modify_hostbutton Modify individual hostbutton settings
9024 b_virtualserver_modify_port Modify server port
9025 b_virtualserver_modify_autostart Modify server autostart
9026 b_virtualserver_modify_needed_identity_security_level Modify required identity security level
9027 b_virtualserver_modify_priority_speaker_dimm_modificator Modify priority speaker dimm modificator
9028 b_virtualserver_modify_log_settings Modify log settings
9029 b_virtualserver_modify_min_client_version Modify min client version
9030 b_virtualserver_modify_icon_id Modify server icon
9031 b_virtualserver_modify_weblist Modify web server list reporting settings
9032 b_virtualserver_modify_codec_encryption_mode Modify codec encryption mode
9033 b_virtualserver_modify_temporary_passwords Modify temporary serverpasswords
9034 b_virtualserver_modify_temporary_passwords_own Modify own temporary serverpasswords
12363 i_channel_min_depth Min channel creation depth in hierarchy
12364 i_channel_max_depth Max channel creation depth in hierarchy
12365 b_channel_group_inheritance_end Stop inheritance of channel group permissions
12366 i_channel_permission_modify_power Modify channel permission power
12367 i_channel_needed_permission_modify_power Needed modify channel permission power
12624 b_channel_info_view Retrieve channel information
12881 b_channel_create_child Create sub-channels
12882 b_channel_create_permanent Create permanent channels
12883 b_channel_create_semi_permanent Create semi-permanent channels
12884 b_channel_create_temporary Create temporary channels
12885 b_channel_create_with_topic Create channels with a topic
12886 b_channel_create_with_description Create channels with a description
12887 b_channel_create_with_password Create password protected channels
12888 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_speex8 Create channels using Speex Narrowband (8 kHz) codecs
12889 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_speex16 Create channels using Speex Wideband (16 kHz) codecs
12890 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_speex32 Create channels using Speex Ultra-Wideband (32 kHz) codecs
12891 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_celtmono48 Create channels using the CELT Mono (48 kHz) codec
12892 i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality Create channels with custom codec quality
12893 i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_latency_factor_min Create channels with minimal custom codec latency factor
12894 b_channel_create_with_maxclients Create channels with custom max clients
12895 b_channel_create_with_maxfamilyclients Create channels with custom max family clients
12896 b_channel_create_with_sortorder Create channels with custom sort order
12897 b_channel_create_with_default Create default channels
12898 b_channel_create_with_needed_talk_power Create channels with needed talk power
12899 b_channel_create_modify_with_force_password Create new channels only with password
13156 b_channel_modify_parent Move channels
13157 b_channel_modify_make_default Make channel default
13158 b_channel_modify_make_permanent Make channel permanent
13159 b_channel_modify_make_semi_permanent Make channel semi-permanent
13160 b_channel_modify_make_temporary Make channel temporary
13161 b_channel_modify_name Modify channel name
13162 b_channel_modify_topic Modify channel topic
13163 b_channel_modify_description Modify channel description
13164 b_channel_modify_password Modify channel password
13165 b_channel_modify_codec Modify channel codec
13166 b_channel_modify_codec_quality Modify channel codec quality
13167 b_channel_modify_codec_latency_factor Modify channel codec latency factor
13168 b_channel_modify_maxclients Modify channels max clients
13169 b_channel_modify_maxfamilyclients Modify channels max family clients
13170 b_channel_modify_sortorder Modify channel sort order
13171 b_channel_modify_needed_talk_power Change needed channel talk power
13172 i_channel_modify_power Channel modify power
13173 i_channel_needed_modify_power Needed channel modify power
13174 b_channel_modify_make_codec_encrypted Make channel codec encrypted
13431 b_channel_delete_permanent Delete permanent channels
13432 b_channel_delete_semi_permanent Delete semi-permanent channels
13433 b_channel_delete_temporary Delete temporary channels
13434 b_channel_delete_flag_force Force channel delete
13435 i_channel_delete_power Delete channel power
13436 i_channel_needed_delete_power Needed delete channel power
13693 b_channel_join_permanent Join permanent channels
13694 b_channel_join_semi_permanent Join semi-permanent channels
13695 b_channel_join_temporary Join temporary channels
13696 b_channel_join_ignore_password Join channel ignoring its password
13697 b_channel_join_ignore_maxclients Ignore channels max clients limit
13698 i_channel_join_power Channel join power
13699 i_channel_needed_join_power Needed channel join power
13700 i_channel_subscribe_power Channel subscribe power
13701 i_channel_needed_subscribe_power Needed channel subscribe power
13702 i_channel_description_view_power Channel description view power
13703 i_channel_needed_description_view_power Needed channel needed description view power
16520 i_icon_id Group icon identifier
posting here in-case the site remove's it
4353 b_serverinstance_help_view Retrieve information about ServerQuery commands
4354 b_serverinstance_version_view Retrieve global server version (including platform and build number)
4355 b_serverinstance_info_view Retrieve global server information
4356 b_serverinstance_virtualserver_list List virtual servers stored in the database
4357 b_serverinstance_binding_list List active IP bindings on multi-homed machines
4358 b_serverinstance_permission_list List permissions available available on the server instance
4359 b_serverinstance_permission_find Search permission assignments by name or ID
4616 b_virtualserver_create Create virtual servers
4617 b_virtualserver_delete Delete virtual servers
4618 b_virtualserver_start_any Start any virtual server in the server instance
4619 b_virtualserver_stop_any Stop any virtual server in the server instance
4620 b_virtualserver_change_machine_id Change a virtual servers machine ID
4621 b_virtualserver_change_template Edit virtual server default template values
4878 b_serverquery_login Login to ServerQuery
4879 b_serverinstance_textmessage_send Send text messages to all virtual servers at once
4880 b_serverinstance_log_view Retrieve global server log
4881 b_serverinstance_log_add Write to global server log
4882 b_serverinstance_stop Shutdown the server process
5139 b_serverinstance_modify_settings Edit global settings
5140 b_serverinstance_modify_querygroup Edit global ServerQuery groups
5141 b_serverinstance_modify_templates Edit global template groups
8470 b_virtualserver_select Select a virtual server
8471 b_virtualserver_info_view Retrieve virtual server information
8472 b_virtualserver_connectioninfo_view Retrieve virtual server connection information
8473 b_virtualserver_channel_list List channels on a virtual server
8474 b_virtualserver_channel_search Search for channels on a virtual server
8475 b_virtualserver_client_list List clients online on a virtual server
8476 b_virtualserver_client_search Search for clients online on a virtual server
8477 b_virtualserver_client_dblist List client identities known by the virtual server
8478 b_virtualserver_client_dbsearch Search for client identities known by the virtual server
8479 b_virtualserver_client_dbinfo Retrieve client information
8480 b_virtualserver_permission_find Find permissions
8481 b_virtualserver_custom_search Find custom fields
8738 b_virtualserver_start Start own virtual server
8739 b_virtualserver_stop Stop own virtual server
8740 b_virtualserver_token_list List privilege keys available
8741 b_virtualserver_token_add Create new privilege keys
8742 b_virtualserver_token_use Use a privilege keys to gain access to groups
8743 b_virtualserver_token_delete Delete a privilege key
8744 b_virtualserver_log_view Retrieve virtual server log
8745 b_virtualserver_log_add Write to virtual server log
8746 b_virtualserver_join_ignore_password Join virtual server ignoring its password
8747 b_virtualserver_notify_register Register for server notifications
8748 b_virtualserver_notify_unregister Unregister from server notifications
8749 b_virtualserver_snapshot_create Create server snapshots
8750 b_virtualserver_snapshot_deploy Deploy server snapshots
8751 b_virtualserver_permission_reset Reset the server permission settings to default values
9008 b_virtualserver_modify_name Modify server name
9009 b_virtualserver_modify_welcomemessage Modify welcome message
9010 b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients Modify servers max clients
9011 b_virtualserver_modify_reserved_slots Modify reserved slots
9012 b_virtualserver_modify_password Modify server password
9013 b_virtualserver_modify_default_servergroup Modify default Server Group
9014 b_virtualserver_modify_default_channelgroup Modify default Channel Group
9015 b_virtualserver_modify_default_channeladmingroup Modify default Channel Admin Group
9016 b_virtualserver_modify_channel_forced_silence Modify channel force silence value
9017 b_virtualserver_modify_complain Modify individual complain settings
9018 b_virtualserver_modify_antiflood Modify individual antiflood settings
9019 b_virtualserver_modify_ft_settings Modify file transfer settings
9020 b_virtualserver_modify_ft_quotas Modify file transfer quotas
9021 b_virtualserver_modify_hostmessage Modify individual hostmessage settings
9022 b_virtualserver_modify_hostbanner Modify individual hostbanner settings
9023 b_virtualserver_modify_hostbutton Modify individual hostbutton settings
9024 b_virtualserver_modify_port Modify server port
9025 b_virtualserver_modify_autostart Modify server autostart
9026 b_virtualserver_modify_needed_identity_security_level Modify required identity security level
9027 b_virtualserver_modify_priority_speaker_dimm_modificator Modify priority speaker dimm modificator
9028 b_virtualserver_modify_log_settings Modify log settings
9029 b_virtualserver_modify_min_client_version Modify min client version
9030 b_virtualserver_modify_icon_id Modify server icon
9031 b_virtualserver_modify_weblist Modify web server list reporting settings
9032 b_virtualserver_modify_codec_encryption_mode Modify codec encryption mode
9033 b_virtualserver_modify_temporary_passwords Modify temporary serverpasswords
9034 b_virtualserver_modify_temporary_passwords_own Modify own temporary serverpasswords
12363 i_channel_min_depth Min channel creation depth in hierarchy
12364 i_channel_max_depth Max channel creation depth in hierarchy
12365 b_channel_group_inheritance_end Stop inheritance of channel group permissions
12366 i_channel_permission_modify_power Modify channel permission power
12367 i_channel_needed_permission_modify_power Needed modify channel permission power
12624 b_channel_info_view Retrieve channel information
12881 b_channel_create_child Create sub-channels
12882 b_channel_create_permanent Create permanent channels
12883 b_channel_create_semi_permanent Create semi-permanent channels
12884 b_channel_create_temporary Create temporary channels
12885 b_channel_create_with_topic Create channels with a topic
12886 b_channel_create_with_description Create channels with a description
12887 b_channel_create_with_password Create password protected channels
12888 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_speex8 Create channels using Speex Narrowband (8 kHz) codecs
12889 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_speex16 Create channels using Speex Wideband (16 kHz) codecs
12890 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_speex32 Create channels using Speex Ultra-Wideband (32 kHz) codecs
12891 b_channel_create_modify_with_codec_celtmono48 Create channels using the CELT Mono (48 kHz) codec
12892 i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality Create channels with custom codec quality
12893 i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_latency_factor_min Create channels with minimal custom codec latency factor
12894 b_channel_create_with_maxclients Create channels with custom max clients
12895 b_channel_create_with_maxfamilyclients Create channels with custom max family clients
12896 b_channel_create_with_sortorder Create channels with custom sort order
12897 b_channel_create_with_default Create default channels
12898 b_channel_create_with_needed_talk_power Create channels with needed talk power
12899 b_channel_create_modify_with_force_password Create new channels only with password
13156 b_channel_modify_parent Move channels
13157 b_channel_modify_make_default Make channel default
13158 b_channel_modify_make_permanent Make channel permanent
13159 b_channel_modify_make_semi_permanent Make channel semi-permanent
13160 b_channel_modify_make_temporary Make channel temporary
13161 b_channel_modify_name Modify channel name
13162 b_channel_modify_topic Modify channel topic
13163 b_channel_modify_description Modify channel description
13164 b_channel_modify_password Modify channel password
13165 b_channel_modify_codec Modify channel codec
13166 b_channel_modify_codec_quality Modify channel codec quality
13167 b_channel_modify_codec_latency_factor Modify channel codec latency factor
13168 b_channel_modify_maxclients Modify channels max clients
13169 b_channel_modify_maxfamilyclients Modify channels max family clients
13170 b_channel_modify_sortorder Modify channel sort order
13171 b_channel_modify_needed_talk_power Change needed channel talk power
13172 i_channel_modify_power Channel modify power
13173 i_channel_needed_modify_power Needed channel modify power
13174 b_channel_modify_make_codec_encrypted Make channel codec encrypted
13431 b_channel_delete_permanent Delete permanent channels
13432 b_channel_delete_semi_permanent Delete semi-permanent channels
13433 b_channel_delete_temporary Delete temporary channels
13434 b_channel_delete_flag_force Force channel delete
13435 i_channel_delete_power Delete channel power
13436 i_channel_needed_delete_power Needed delete channel power
13693 b_channel_join_permanent Join permanent channels
13694 b_channel_join_semi_permanent Join semi-permanent channels
13695 b_channel_join_temporary Join temporary channels
13696 b_channel_join_ignore_password Join channel ignoring its password
13697 b_channel_join_ignore_maxclients Ignore channels max clients limit
13698 i_channel_join_power Channel join power
13699 i_channel_needed_join_power Needed channel join power
13700 i_channel_subscribe_power Channel subscribe power
13701 i_channel_needed_subscribe_power Needed channel subscribe power
13702 i_channel_description_view_power Channel description view power
13703 i_channel_needed_description_view_power Needed channel needed description view power
16520 i_icon_id Group icon identifier
posting here in-case the site remove's it