TeamSpeak 3 Client Query


Apr 25, 2015
The following information contains the help list for the TeamSpeak 3 Client Query.
TeamSpeak 3 Client :: ClientQuery
(c) TeamSpeak Systems GmbH

Command Overview:
   help                        | read help files
   quit                        | close connection
   use                         | select server connection handler

   banadd                      | add a new ban rule to the server
   banclient                   | ban a client from the server
   bandelall                   | delete all active ban rules
   bandel                      | delete an active ban rule from the server
   banlist                     | list all active ban rules
   channeladdperm              | add a permission to a channel
   channelclientaddperm        | add a channel-client permisison to a client and
specified channel id
   channelclientdelperm        | delete a channel-client permisison from a clien
t and specified channel id
   channelclientpermlist       | list all assigned channel-client permisisons fo
r a client and specified channel id
   channelconnectinfo          | channel connect information
   channelcreate               | create a channel
   channeldelete               | delete a channel
   channeldelperm              | delete a from a channel
   channeledit                 | edit a channel
   channelgroupadd             | create a channel group
   channelgroupaddperm         | add a permission to a channel group
   channelgroupclientlist      | list all assigned channel groups for the specif
ied channel id
   channelgroupdel             | delete a channel group
   channelgroupdelperm         | delete a permission from a channel group
   channelgrouplist            | list all available channel groups
   channelgrouppermlist        | list all assigned permissions from a channel gr
   channellist                 | list of all channels
   channelmove                 | assign a new parent channel to a channel
   channelpermlist             | list all assigned permissions for a channel
   channelvariable             | retrieve specific information about a channel
   clientaddperm               | add a permission to a clientDBID
   clientdbdelete              | delete a client from the server database
   clientdbedit                | edit a clients properties identified by clientD
   clientdblist                | list all clients stored in the server database
   clientdelperm               | delete a permission from a clientDBID
   clientgetdbidfromuid        | get the clientDBIDs for a certain client unique
   clientgetids                | get the clientIDs for a certain client unique i
   clientgetnamefromdbid       | get the nickname from a client database id
   clientgetnamefromuid        | get the nickname from a client unique id
   clientgetuidfromclid        | get the unique id from a clientID
   clientkick                  | kick a client
   clientlist                  | list known clients
   clientmove                  | move a client or switch channel ourself
   clientmute                  | mute all voice data from a client
   clientunmute                | unmute a previously muted client
   clientnotifyregister        | register to receive client notifications
   clientnotifyunregister      | unregister from receiving client notifications
   clientpermlist              | list all assigned permissions from a clientDBID
   clientpoke                  | poke a client
   clientupdate                | set personal client variables, like your nickna
   clientvariable              | retrieve specific information about a client
   complainadd                 | submit a complaint about a clientDBID
   complaindelall              | delete all complaints from a clientDBID
   complaindel                 | delete a complaint from the server
   complainlist                | list all complaints from a server or for a clie
   currentschandlerid          | server connection handler ID of current server
   ftcreatedir                 | create a new directory
   ftdeletefile                | delete one or more files
   ftgetfileinfo               | get informations about the specified file
   ftgetfilelist               | list all files for the specified channel and fi
   ftinitdownload              | initialise a filetransfer download
   ftinitupload                | initialise a filetransfer upload
   ftlist                      | get a list of all file transfers currently runn
ing on the server  notifyfiletransferlist
   ftrenamefile                | rename the specified file
   ftstop                      | stop an running file transfer progress
   hashpassword                | create a password hash
   messageadd                  | send an offline message to a clientDBID
   messagedel                  | delete an existing offline message from your in
   messageget                  | display an existing offline message from your i
   messagelist                 | list all offline messages from your inbox
   messageupdateflag           | mark or unmark an offline message as read
   permoverview                | list all assigned permissons
   sendtextmessage             | send a chat message
   serverconnectinfo           | server connect information
   serverconnectionhandlerlist | list available server connection handlers
   servergroupaddclient        | add a client to a server group
   servergroupadd              | create a server group
   servergroupaddperm          | add a permission to a server group
   servergroupclientlist       | list all client database ids from a server grou
   servergroupdelclient        | delete a client from a server group
   servergroupdel              | delete a server group
   servergroupdelperm          | delete a permission from a server group
   servergrouplist             | get a list of server groups
   servergrouppermlist         | list all assigned permission from a server grou
   servergroupsbyclientid      | get all assigned server groups from a clientDBI
   servervariable              | retrieve specific information about a server
   setclientchannelgroup       | assign a channel group to a client database id
   tokenadd                    | add a token to a server- or channel group
   tokendelete                 | delete an existing token from the server
   tokenlist                   | lists all tokens available on the server
   tokenuse                    | use a token to gain access to the server
   verifychannelpassword       | check if we know the current password of a chan
   verifyserverpassword        | check if we know the current server password
   whoami                      | display information about ourself

error id=0 msg=ok

Here is an example of me making a directory using the help.
help ftcreatedir
ftcreatedir cid=2 cpw= dirname=\/My\sDirectory

The following is an attempt at placing a null character in a new directory name:
ftcreatedir cid=1 cpw= dirname=\/t/%00est

The query responds back with:
error id=2052 msg=file\sinput\/output\serror


Apr 25, 2015
I am sure you got that a few times while figuring out the bmp uploader. I got it working by the way, sort of. ;)


Retired Staff
Apr 26, 2015
Yeah I tried some forbidden characters. (there aren't that many on linux :p )