- Apr 25, 2015
- 1,845
- 2
- 2,199
- 327
So, a lot of sites exist similar to HaveIBeenPwned, I went at my own attempt of making one on a much smaller scale with only one large breach (Cit0day):
Supposedly if you wanted more real-time search results, you'd want to be running against something like Azure SQL (Azure Database) or perhaps Solr / Lucene / Elasticsearch.. somethin' that is capable of indexing and generating near-immediate results (ms, not seconds).
You could roll this via the open source DIY method or deploy in AWS.. or hell, just build up on Azure. Pretty sure HIBP does lotta functions and makes use of serverless-esque technology as to scale up and down to limit cost but keep performance when busy times arise.
http://cit0day.com/ was a side-project (just for fun.. to try to keep peeps safe 'n' sh**)
http://cit0day.com/ .. and if you want to see all the emails that were in the listings (this is very noisy and has buncha extra junk data, but here)
http://cit0day.com/ ...... dump like literally just add the word "dump" after http://cit0day.com/ that is the 2 GB of email data (which has lotta phone #s and other garbage) that were in the cit0day premium leaks.
One could go through this grepping/awking/whatever-the-fu**ing to get valid emails out of this mess of data then potentially use verify commands via SMTP to check which emails are presently existing.
Then.. you have a valid email list
Not to be an a-hole or anything but, if your email is in any of this.. maybe time to just make a new email lol.
1 apt update
2 apt upgrade -y
3 wget localhost
4 ls
5 apt install apache2
6 ls
7 ls -l
8 ls -la
9 ls
10 cd /
11 cd /var/www/
12 ls
13 cd html/
14 ls
15 apt install php
16 ls
17 rm index.html
18 nano index.php
19 nano index.php
20 ip a
21 ip a | grep "inet "
22 apt install mariadb
23 apt install mysql_server
24 apt install mysql
25 apt install mariadb
26 apt install mariadb_server
27 sudo apt update
28 sudo apt install gnupg
29 cd /tmp
30 cd /tmp
31 wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-apt-config_0.8.13-1_all.deb
32 ls
33 rm mysql-apt-config_0.8.13-1_all.deb
34 wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-apt-config_0.8.16-1_all.deb
35 sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config*
36 sudo apt update
37 sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-apt-config
38 sudo apt install mysql-server
39 ls -lah
40 sudo systemctl status mysql
41 mysql_secure_installation
42 mysqladmin -u root -p version
43 ls
44 cd /var/www/html
45 ls
46 rm index.php
47 nano index.php
48 nano index.php
49 ssh root@X.X.X.X
50 ls
51 cd /root
52 ls
53 mv emails.txt /var/www/html
54 ls
55 cd /var/www/
56 ls
57 cd html/
58 ls
59 time LC_ALL=C grep -Fx -m1 "blah@example.com" ./emails.txt
67 ls
68 mv emails.txt ../
69 nano index.php
70 cd /var/www/html
71 ls
72 nano index.php
73 ls
74 history
75 history | nc termbin.com 9999
Supposedly if you wanted more real-time search results, you'd want to be running against something like Azure SQL (Azure Database) or perhaps Solr / Lucene / Elasticsearch.. somethin' that is capable of indexing and generating near-immediate results (ms, not seconds).
You could roll this via the open source DIY method or deploy in AWS.. or hell, just build up on Azure. Pretty sure HIBP does lotta functions and makes use of serverless-esque technology as to scale up and down to limit cost but keep performance when busy times arise.
http://cit0day.com/ was a side-project (just for fun.. to try to keep peeps safe 'n' sh**)
http://cit0day.com/ .. and if you want to see all the emails that were in the listings (this is very noisy and has buncha extra junk data, but here)
http://cit0day.com/ ...... dump like literally just add the word "dump" after http://cit0day.com/ that is the 2 GB of email data (which has lotta phone #s and other garbage) that were in the cit0day premium leaks.
One could go through this grepping/awking/whatever-the-fu**ing to get valid emails out of this mess of data then potentially use verify commands via SMTP to check which emails are presently existing.
Then.. you have a valid email list
Not to be an a-hole or anything but, if your email is in any of this.. maybe time to just make a new email lol.
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