Make sure that your tsdnsserver must be running and have a domain name and go setup your dns records and make "A" and "SRV" record for it.or Here's my exisiting setup of it, just copy this to the bottom of it and change the ip to yours and domain
to run your tsdnsserver go make or using this code
or if your tsdnsserver is running just type this code to your ssh (must be in ts3dns folder to run this)Code:screen -A -m -d -S tsdns ./tsdnsserver
Code:./tsdnsserver --update
I'm using the 2nd type which is like easier for me.
Here's my setup
Type Name Value TTL
A ts 5mins
Type Name Value TTL
SRV _tsdns._tcp.ts SRV 0 5 41144 ts.yourdomain.tld Automatic
I'm using cloudflare as my dns record provider which help me protect my ts3 server from DDoS Attacks.