Hello, i maked new project free teamspeak service system.
Please check and give me coment.
$_Link =
$_SecreenShots =
[+] Dashboard.
[+] TSDNS system (With fast SRV records, we API system and fast activation)
[+] Membership system.
Please check and give me coment.
$_Link =
$_SecreenShots =
## START 11.11.2016http://i.hizliresim.com/A344v0.png ,
http://i.hizliresim.com/yVYYrk.png ,
http://i.hizliresim.com/qE66XZ.png ,
);http://i.hizliresim.com/yVYYrk.png ,
http://i.hizliresim.com/qE66XZ.png ,
[+] Dashboard.
[-] General server INFO.
[-] Server settings.
[-] Change TSDNS.
[-] Change banner (VIP)
[-] Change server message (VIP)
[-] Change host message (VIP)
[-] Change server icon (VIP)
[-] Reset server.
[-] Online clients statistical graphics (country,platrofm) (VIP)
[-] Show online clients and send message (poke,message) (VIP)
[-] Show ban list.
[-] Token.
[-] Backup.
[+] Hourly statistical graphics.[-] Server settings.
[-] Change TSDNS.
[-] Change banner (VIP)
[-] Change server message (VIP)
[-] Change host message (VIP)
[-] Change server icon (VIP)
[-] Reset server.
[-] Online clients statistical graphics (country,platrofm) (VIP)
[-] Show online clients and send message (poke,message) (VIP)
[-] Show ban list.
[-] Token.
[-] Backup.
[-] Online clients count.
[-] Online clients count (Client platforms and Client platform count)
[-] Online clients count (Client countrys and Client country count)
[-] Online clients count (Hourly)
[-] Online active servers count (Hourly)
[-] Online clients count (Daily record)
[-] Online active servers count (Daily record)
[+] Multiple servers and locations support.[-] Online clients count (Client platforms and Client platform count)
[-] Online clients count (Client countrys and Client country count)
[-] Online clients count (Hourly)
[-] Online active servers count (Hourly)
[-] Online clients count (Daily record)
[-] Online active servers count (Daily record)
[+] TSDNS system (With fast SRV records, we API system and fast activation)
[+] Membership system.
[-] Login.
[-] Register.
[-] Lost password.
[-] Mail activation .
[-] Resend activation code.
[-] Change available name, surname, phone, email, password.
[-] Login log.
[+] VIP membership system.[-] Register.
[-] Lost password.
[-] Mail activation .
[-] Resend activation code.
[-] Change available name, surname, phone, email, password.
[-] Login log.
[-] Special features for VIP users.
[-] Upgrade VIP days.
[-] Activation with code.
[+] CRON.[-] Upgrade VIP days.
[-] Activation with code.
[+] Auto delete user datas.
[+] Security.[-] CRON check every hour for have user or no have user and record create time, have user time to database.
[-] if ( ($time - $last_seen_user) > 864000 ) so CRON check every hour for 10 days and delete user service (server,tsdns,backups) (my english finish
[-] Upgrade VIP days.[-] if ( ($time - $last_seen_user) > 864000 ) so CRON check every hour for 10 days and delete user service (server,tsdns,backups) (my english finish
[-] Protected for SQL Injection, XSS, RFI, Session Hijacking.
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