you can already just edit/append to the tsdns_settings.ini file and then run the tsdns binary with the --update parameter.
This could also be done automatically by application if you want to.
There is no need to stop the service to update the settings, you just start a second instance with the --update parameter which will tell the already running instance to use the new settings. Afterwards the second instance will exit.
If you were to add an input field (or other means for you / your customer) to the your Customer Service Center you could then have the script / application that receives the Input when the user confirms the changes automatically edit the File and run the tsdns with the --update parameter. Though there might be problems with concurrent editing if you have many customers editing at the same time, so this might not be a solution for a large scale environment.
For larger scale environments you could save all the TSDNS Names for your customers in an SQL Database which could easily be updated from your customer service center page. A script would then run every 5 minutes using crontab / task scheduler reading the Entries from the database, create the tsdns_settings.ini from these records and then have this script call the tsdns server with the --update parameter. This way you would be able to offer your customers the ability to update their TSDNS address automatically with a reasonable delay. The small delay shouldn't really hurt as updating the TSDNS Name shouldn't happen frequently. that's good for me, but i don't have that script, and im bad with php, do you know of someone have of here in the r4p3 forum ? thankyou men.
$ts3_VirtualServer = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://username:password@");
"virtualserver_password" => "NewPassword"