Hello R4P3 Community, If anyone have a graylisted or blacklisted server, here is a solution for it [Without firewall option or something like it].
So you need another VPS Server ( I'd recommand to be hosted in france or germany )
Enter on this VPS and do this commands:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install python3 python3-yaml git nano screen
Wait until it finish installing those packages and do this command:
git clone https://github.com/Kandru/ts3proxy && cd ts3proxy
then you have to do nano config.yml and change max users to 99999999
servers: "9987:" ( is the blacklisted server IP and 9987 is the server port you have to change it )
You have to change TS3ServerQuery and FileTranser remoteAddress from to your blacklisted / gray server IP
then save it with CTRL+X
Final thing is doing: screen python3 -m ts3proxy and Detach it with Ctrl+A+D
Here you have to connect with the new vps IP [Not theblacklisted] and you will be automatically connected to the Blacklisted server but your IP / clints ip will be shown as the VPS IP and the country flag too but the ping will not be changed
You can do an iptables forwad rule to redirect connection to the new vps IP
PS: Sorry for my bad english
and thats all
So you need another VPS Server ( I'd recommand to be hosted in france or germany )
Enter on this VPS and do this commands:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install python3 python3-yaml git nano screen
Wait until it finish installing those packages and do this command:
git clone https://github.com/Kandru/ts3proxy && cd ts3proxy
then you have to do nano config.yml and change max users to 99999999
servers: "9987:" ( is the blacklisted server IP and 9987 is the server port you have to change it )
You have to change TS3ServerQuery and FileTranser remoteAddress from to your blacklisted / gray server IP
then save it with CTRL+X
Final thing is doing: screen python3 -m ts3proxy and Detach it with Ctrl+A+D
Here you have to connect with the new vps IP [Not theblacklisted] and you will be automatically connected to the Blacklisted server but your IP / clints ip will be shown as the VPS IP and the country flag too but the ping will not be changed
You can do an iptables forwad rule to redirect connection to the new vps IP
PS: Sorry for my bad english