Ban permanently per mac


New Member
Mar 9, 2017
Hello, is there any way to permanently ban per mac, instead of giving IP or ID banned?


Apr 27, 2015
right now TeamSpeak is using your IP, your userID and your WindowsID for bans. Banning by mac would require some deep tweaks in the teamspeak client.
Of course the person you'd like to ban would have to use that exact binary which is pretty unlikely.

So no, there is no way unless TeamSpeak does decide to implement that into their binaries in the future.


New Member
Mar 9, 2017
right now TeamSpeak is using your IP, your userID and your WindowsID for bans. Banning by mac would require some deep tweaks in the teamspeak client.
Of course the person you'd like to ban would have to use that exact binary which is pretty unlikely.

So no, there is no way unless TeamSpeak does decide to implement that into their binaries in the future.
That is, if I ban a user, however much I change id, that mac still banned?


Retired Staff
Apr 26, 2015
You can change your build ID, you can change your MAC.


Active Member
Jan 2, 2016
Here is the problem, man. :p

Spoofing a mac address on windows is a mouse click.

Spoofing a mac address on a Linux-based machine is nearly as simple with basic commands. :cool:

Banning is highly ineffective to knowledgeable opponents no matter the system. It is best just to say.. hello troll, let's anal fuck each other. K bye :mad:;)

If you know how to step around a ban system and you want to --- then? :eek:

The best banning system involves a server having a unique key and putting that unique key behind a somewhat lengthy process. One example is a paywall which grants the user a uniquely generated key. The keys should be truly random, server-side, and presented to the user only after payment. The payment could be a small amount like $1.00, now what happens when a rich troll comes along? Shit.

Okay, so what if we do something tricky like make it lock down to a shit load of IDs. IDA Pro, figure it out and bypass.

Banning is....... needless to say a nightmare. TeamSpeak 3 does not have a bad ban system, it is just easily bypassed like any other ban system.

I am not trying to discourage banning, I am just trying to explain that banning is incredibly simple to step around. Load new virtual machine (VirtualBox, VMware), have new IP (VPN/Proxy), you can spoof almost anything with ease. That evades almost any ban and since a moderately experienced user can do this within seconds to minutes, there is almost no challenge. I hope that makes sense.

I went to town with the smiley faces, hope you don't mind.
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Active Member
Jan 2, 2016
I wanted to elaborate on the fundamental flaws of ban systems.

Here is an example of how ban systems typically work:

A ban system is typically a blacklist against a specific variable or a set of variables. An example is banning the string "lol" within another string, essentially no one can register with "lol" in their username or join a server.
"Hahalol" was kicked.

"HahaIoI" joined.....
"Haha|o|" joined.....

Maybe you want to ban an IP address or range.
Now someone just changes their IP from X.X.X.X to Y.Y.Y.Y.

Okay, so let's ban their MAC.
Now someone just changes their MAC from XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX to YY-YY-YY-YY-YY-YY

From a fundamental security standpoint, bans are merely prohibition. It is a rule of forbiddance towards a variable or specific set/system of variables. No matter how much you attempt to tighten your list, there are mainly blacklists/whitelists. You could try blocking as many ( all ) VPN/proxy networks although privacy lovers wishing to use a VPN will definitely be unhappy. Otherwise you could only permit a specific set of variables, so maybe once a user has a unique ID with a verified email, only they can connect. Maybe there could be custom software people are required to sign into, once they're authed into a system their IP is whitelisted (allowed) to the server.

Ban systems are tough to make effective and user-friendly. Do you think people really want to install custom software just to come to your server/website? ;)
Maybe a small team or business, but not the public Internet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Just look at the topic called " Funny posts of TeamSpeak employees" and find bluescream's post which is "When teamspeak employee realise their ban system is a bullsh*t".


Sep 21, 2015
Well teamspeak is made in a way i would say "come and play/talk" so there is more or less no "standart register system" and EVEN if there would be such a system (like with email / username / password) it would be the same problem again because a Forum, Websites or other voip tools have already a system like that.
On that systems you can get banned too but there is also the thing that you are still able to register yourself again... NOW to say teamspeaks ban system sucks, well... no offense but that sounds very stupid for me...

So instead of calling only Teamspeak stupid, you may should overthink the structure of your teamspeak community management on your teamspeak-server.
There are many ways to manage a Teamspeak3-server that exactly prevents 90% of that trolls which usually get banned on your servers.

Last but not least, trolls are only on a Server where you allow them to troll ;) <-- yes it is really that simple ;)
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