
JTS3ServerMod 6.4.2

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This program adds some functions to the Teamspeak 3 server. Here is the feature list:
  • Add a server group to an idle client, to put the server group name (e.g. AFK) to the client name. (since version 6.3)
  • Inactive Clients Cleaner can delete clients from TS3 server database after a specified inactivity time. (since version 6.3)
  • Inactive Channel Check can delete a channel, if it's empty for X hours. (since version 5.2)
  • Auto Moves clients of specified server groups to specified channels on connection. (since version 3.6.3)
  • Channel Notify sends a message to specified clients, if clients join a specified channel. (since version 3.7)
  • Server Group Notify sends a message to specified clients, if members of a specified server group connects to TS3 server. (since version 3.6.2)
  • Server Group Protection to kick people which are unauthorized member of a protected server group. (since version 3.0)
  • Bad nickname check to kick people with a bad name from the server. (since version 3.0)
  • Bad channel name check to delete channels with a bad name. (since version 3.0)
  • Move idle users to another channel and sends a message.
  • Kick idle users with a kick reason. (since version 2.0)
  • Send a warning message if someone is idle.
  • Move to a specified channel if client status is away (after some seconds idle), can move back if not away anymore (move back since version 2.0)
  • Move to a specified channel if client status is headphone or microphone muted (after some seconds idle), can move back if not muted anymore (since version 3.0)
  • Move recording users to another channel and sends a message
  • Kick recording users from server with a kick reason
  • Send a message every X minutes to virtual server or a special channel
  • Send a welcome message to every connecting client, can send a special welcome message to specified server group members
  • !lastseen chat command to see somebody's last online time.
Everything can be configured in a config file.

Another features are:
  • Many virtual bot instances for different Teamspeak 3 servers in one bot process
  • Automatic reconnect after connection to Teamspeak 3 server lost
  • Chat commands which allows you to send messages, get client information, change configurations, reload config file, quit the bot and much more.
  • Create own plugins using Java programming language. Check out the file plugins/Readme_plugins.txt to know more!
  • Slow Mode to use the bot (with limited features) without changing the query_ip_whitelist.txt file. (since version 3.1.1)
-= System Requirements =-
This program was tested on Windows and Linux (even without X server).
On Mac OS X 10.4+, Solaris and FreeBSD it should run too, but it was not tested. If you can test it, please send me an e-mail.
All you need is a Java SE runtime environment version 5 or newer.
You can get the latest official versions for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris from http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6 users may have it already installed.
FreeBSD Users should look at http://www.freebsd.org/java/ to learn more about Java on FreeBSD.

Recommended in general:
Dedicated server or vserver with higher limits!
vservers with low limits at threads and memory are a challenge in most cases.
Less than 200 bots:
RAM: 1-2 GB (depends on the bot amount)
CPU: 1-2 faster cores
Between 200 and 1000 bots:
CPU: 2-3 faster cores
More than 1000 bots:
RAM: 6-8 GB
CPU: 4 faster cores

Teamspeak 3 server since version 1.0 or newer is needed, but I recommend the latest version.
And of course a possible TCP connection to the Teamspeak 3 server.

-= Important =-
I'm not responsible for any damage or data loss!

You should add the IP address of the machine running this bot to the Teamspeak 3 server query_ip_whitelist.txt,
or the anti spam feature of the Teamspeak 3 server will ban this program very often for some minutes.
Make sure that the query_ip_whitelist.txt file have an empty line at the end.
If the bot runs on the same machine as the TS3 server, you can set in the bot config as address of the TS3 server.
Because is white listed by default.

But if you are unable to change the query_ip_whitelist.txt, try to set the bot_slowmode to 1
in the bot server config file. This slows down the bot connection speed and disables some features.

Source code is not included, but it uses my JTS3ServerQuery - Java Server Query Library.

-= Documentation =-
General information how to run the bot - readme.html
All main chat commands of the bot - ChatCommandHelp.html
Information about the bot configuration files - ConfigHelp.html
Plugin API documentation - index.html
All files are also included in the downloadable file.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Changelog - Version 6.4.2

    + New setting for the AutoMove function to ignore the default channel from client. Do an...